Sensory Processing Disorder & Potty Training  

Let me start this by saying, it gets better, I promise! You may be frustrated and it may not feel like it but it will get better. 

It's no secret that potty training can be challenging, however, potty training a child with special needs can pose even more challenges. 

Don't get discouraged when you've been unsuccessful, it is very common for families to experience many setbacks while potty training. 

Hopefully this article will give you some new approaches to potty training that will help your whole family when taking on the many challenges.
boy potty training with sensory processing disorder Sensory Processing Disorder & Potty Training

It is very important not to be hard on yourself, like the old quote says "don't sweat the small stuff." I know you're likely thinking, "that's a lot easier said than done." Approach all aspects of the process with a "I'll do what I can, when I can do it" approach. Even if you're at the point in where it feels like the end of the world, I assure you that you can make it fun for you and your child. Like most aspects of parenting, there is no one-size-fits-all solution that works for every child. 

If you're having a hard time, you can rest assured that your child is also having a hard time. As impossible as it may seem, especially in the heat of a stressful moment, try to hide your frustration. Maintaining a positive environment while potty training may just be one of the keys to your success. Showing empathy, love and understanding will go a long way in ensuring that they don't create self doubt and get discouraged. 

Most of us have a team of professionals working with our children. Tell your child's Nanny, caregivers, therapists and teachers your plan to start potty training. They can also assist with training when you are not there. Assuring that everyone is on the same page is important, in addition, they may even have some useful ideas for you to try. 

Potty training can be even more difficult if you start potty training them before they are ready. If they're not ready they will absolutely not cooperate. If you force your child to train before they are ready and then take breaks, they'll remember. The next time you try, they'll remember that you allowed them a break the first time so they may refuse again, thus getting harder each time. Most children with special needs are not ready to potty train until they are 3-5 years old. If your child is older than 5 you may want to consult with a developmental pediatrician, they may give you a referral to see an Occupational Therapist. 

Most of us have a team of professionals working with our children. Tell your child's Nanny, caregivers, therapists and teachers your plan to start potty training. They can also assist with training when you are not there. Assuring that everyone is on the same page is important, in addition, they may even have some useful ideas for you to try. 

Potty training can be even more difficult if you start potty training them before they are ready. If they're not ready they will absolutely not cooperate. If you force your child to train before they are ready and then take breaks, they'll remember. The next time you try, they'll remember that you allowed them a break the first time so they may refuse again, thus getting harder each time. Most children with special needs are not ready to potty train until they are 3-5 years old. If your child is older than 5 you may want to consult with a developmental pediatrician, they may give you a referral to see an Occupational Therapist. 

If you think your child needs more time, it's better to wait. This will give you time to prepare them before starting the process, which will increase your chances of being successful. In addition, you can consult with your child physician or pediatrician before starting. 

As tempting as it can be, especially after talking to other parents, try not to compare your child to other children who are potty trained. Some children are potty trained by 18 months while others are 3 years. Children are ready at different times and that's perfectly okay, do it when you and your child are ready. If a child hears their parents comparing them to another child, it can negatively affect their self esteem and discourage them from wanting to try. 

As far as their routines, try to keep everything else as normal as possible. Potty training alone will be quite different than their usual routine which can be confusing and cause them to be anxious. 

Is your child ready? Here are some things to look for:

Generally, they start to stay dry during the nights.

- They are able to reach the toilet alone or with your assistance. 

- Their diaper starts to stay drier during the daytime hours.

- They show you that they want to learn. 

- Your child already knows how to dress or undress themselves. 

- They tell you when they need to be changed. 

- Your child will start to tell you when they are about to do it, while they're doing it or after. 

- You will begin to notice facial expressions they usually make when they are peeing or pooping.

- They begin to have bowel movements around the same time each day. 

- You will notice that they start to become more interested in the toilet or using it.

- Your child may begin to want underwear or talk about it.

Generally speaking, it can take anywhere from a few weeks up to a few months to potty train a child, however, when families have children with special needs, it can take longer. I know it can feel like it is never going to happen but don't be discouraged. I promise, your hard work is going to pay off, it'll just take some patience.

Involve your child in the process of preparing for potty training. If they are involved, they will be more willing to want to try it. 

Social stories are a great visual to help prepare your child. 

Your child may also enjoy picking out their own potty too. After purchasing a potty of their choice try acting out how a stuffed animal or doll would use it. Make it a fun game for them to try. Many children fear being flushed down the toilet, the sound of the water is too loud and automatic toilets are scary. Some children fear being too high up on a toilet so a small low to the ground potty could be your best choice. 

If your child pees in their diaper, get them involved by asking them to be a part of cleaning themselves. Wiping themselves, getting a new diaper or putting their dirty diaper in the disposal are all great ways to involve them. While they're participating cheer them on, encourage them and say things such as "soon you'll be able to do it all by yourself in your new potty."

Children love to copy what they see, especially when a parent is doing an activity. Let them see you using the bathroom, you can even talk them through the process, explaining how everything is done. Tell them how much you love using the toilet, how much you enjoy not wearing a diaper and that they too will be using their own potty soon. 

Timing is incredibly important, try to choose 7-10 days that you are able to completely devote your time to training your child. Households are very busy so it should be a time that's not too hectic or stressful, ensuring that you have the extra time. 

It's best if your child is drinking more liquids. 

Without mentioning if they need to pee, bring your child to their potty (estimated time 5 minutes) and ask them to sit down. If your child doesn't use the potty you can set an alarm for a half hour and try again. If they did then wait an hour to try it again. An alarm is a great way for your child to know it's time to sit down on the potty and try it again. 

Encouragement and praise are so important. Try not to get upset at them for having accidents, clean them up and quickly move on as it could discourage them from wanting to do it again. Some children are successful by using a reward system. Simple items such as a container of fruit snacks, coins in a piggy bank, a few extra minutes of screen time, a sticker chart or a treasure chest of small toys from the dollar store can go a long way to motivate them. Smaller rewards should be given even when they don't pee as an acknowledgment of their efforts. Rewards should only be given when they try to, or successfully use the potty. Gradually take the rewards away when you notice they are getting the hang of it. 

Make their time on the potty fun by reading books, singing songs, playing with toys or having them watch cartoons. Making this time an enjoyable part of their routine will increase their chances of success.

A very important follow up to using the potty is handwashing. Establishing a good handwashing routine is easier when you make it fun for them. Singing handwashing songs and trying different colored or shaped soaps with different scents may help as well. A popular song choice for handwashing is the Happy Birthday song as it is the correct amount of time required to properly wash your hands. If your child has a social story or visual schedule for potty training, you can add "washing hands" as a good visual reminder for them to see and understand.

Don't push or put too much pressure on your child. Be patient. It may take longer than it takes for other children, but they will do it with routine and consistency. 

When your child is successful at potty training and wearing underwear full time, you can even throw them a little party to celebrate. They will be so proud of themselves when they see how pleased you are with them. Potty parties can be different for everyone, do what works for your family. Hang and make decorations, bake cupcakes and play games. Take this time to wave goodbye to their diapers so they understand they are gone and won't ask for them later. Congratulate your child on their accomplishment. 

There are a few things you can buy to make this potty-training journey easier for you and your child! 

Trying to use the toilet can be scary at first so you are going to want to get a good sturdy stool if you're planning to use your toilet with a potty seat in order to help them feel more secure and safe. A small portable potty can be taken anywhere making it more accessible and cutting down on anxiety about accidents. 

Finding some potty-training books for your child can be very encouraging and it will keep them occupied too. You can also use the books during reading times as well. 

Comfortable clothing is a must. It could be challenging for your child to unbutton their pants so jogging pants are a great option or you can simply let them run around with a diaper or underwear on.

Most kids love YouTube, but did you know that it's also an excellent resource for potty training videos? Check it out for a vast selection of helpful, encouraging potty training videos.

Plan a shopping date for you and your child so they can choose their very own underwear with their favorite cartoon characters and colors. If you want something a little thicker you may want to purchase some training pants and vinyl pants to prevent leaks. 

Kids love toys and there's many toys to encourage potty training. One example would be dolls that drink and pee. 

 There's many options out there for these products. Here are some suggestions. 

Potty Seats, Potty Training Stools and Ladders

Potty Training Seat with Step Stool Ladder Potty Training Toilet for Kids
Does your baby find it difficult and somewhat scary to use the adult toilet? Don't worry, baby potty training is much easier with this Toilet Step Trainer Ladder!
Your baby can step up and hold on and turn around safely! Much easier than a handle-less stool.
Very easy to assemble too, just take 2 minutes to install it, and your babies are able to help.
Makes your babies independent to go to washroom and gives them feeling of security while on toilet, create independence for them, help to encourage potty use. It is time for kids go to toilet by themselves!

The First Years Training Wheels Racer Potty System | Easy to Clean and Easy to Use Potty Training Seat
Fun design: Race car design makes potty training fun for your toddler
Easy to clean: A lift-out pot for easy cleaning
Easy to use: High pee shield for less mess
Portable potty seat: Detachable potty ring that you can place on your family toilet
Comfortable and secure: Handles on potty seat help child feel more secure

Frog Potty Training Urinal for Boys Toilet with Funny Aiming Target Green
Animal urinal Design that looks and feels just like an adult toilet
Perfect for Toilet Training for Boys between the ages 2 and 6
Frog shape and rotating windmill improves your babies' interest.
Removable Waste Tank so that you can do no-touch cleaning and waste disposal
Strong sucker can adjust the height of the item according to baby.

Hallo Potty Training Urinal Boy Urinal Kids Toddler Pee Trainer Bathroom Funny Baby Training Potties(DEEP Blue)
Deepened and widened urinal design, large capacity, not easy to splash out.
Through the cute design, the toddler will feel happy using the potty training chair and reduce the incidence of diaper rash.
Potty-training urinals are manufactured with the utmost quality and by using PP material which is nontoxic and does not give out any odor. It is safe for you and your little one

Peter Potty products are designed to make the potty training process easier - so that you will have more success, with less mess! Whether you are just getting started, looking for a different solution or simply ready to transition your child closer to independence, Peter Potty products are the right choice.
For Toddlers "On Their Way" - If your toddler has already achieved success while sitting, the Peter Potty Toddler Urinal makes it easy to move to a standing position. There is no splash and the dip-shaped basin provides a virtually mess-free result
The Great Reward…REAL WATER FLUSH! - 
Easy to fill, easy to empty - NO PLUMBING REQUIRED!

Potty Training Urinals for Boys, Cute Monkey Potty with Funny Aiming Target Windmill. Improved Safety & Design - New monkey model is now more larger with a smooth curvature bowl to prevent splash/ spillage. Dynamic Rotating Windmill - Fine dynamic rotating upgrade four leaf windmill design, water injection will be rotated, playful and full of lots of fun to the baby.
Portable and Hygienic - Removable, lightweight, the front bow handle is designed, when the mother would clean the toilet, only gently lift it can be washed clean, practical and intimate.
Suitable Age - Perfect for potty training for boys between the ages of 8 months to 5 years old.

Potty Training Timers & Charts

Successful Potty Training in days!
Potty training doesn't have to be so hard!
Potty training a toddler can be a very stressful time for parents but it doesn't have to be! The "I Can Do It" Potty Training Kit now includes most everything parents need to potty train their toddlers! (toddler and potty not included). We've included tools to make Potty Training Easier! We've included a potty training book called I Did It! Potty Bear becomes a Big Bear, a book that will help your child understand what to expect using this system. Children can learn to be a big kid right along with Potty Bear! It even has useful tips from other parents for successful potty training. Kids love to earn their stars!

Potty Training Reward Chart with 4X Waterproof Weekly Charts, 6X Diploma, 600X Colorful Stars. Perfect for Multiple Toddlers’ Motivational Toilet Training
Chart includes 4 discrete WATERPROOF weekly charts for easy use and a Diploma, 600 stars with 6 colors could support multiple kids using.
Each of the charts is sealed by plastic-envelop, 100% waterproof and easy to clean. The stars are soft plastic too so no harmful sharp corner. Bright color catches toddlers’ attention and makes the stars easy to be identified. Each measures 11” X 7”.
Diploma: Bonus Star shaped Rewarding Diploma, all charts printed with Non-toxic high gloss ink and laminated with Anti-curl technology.

Potty Training Chart for Toddlers Animal Design - Magnetic Sticker Chart, Waterproof Magnetic Potty Training Reward Chart, Certificate, 3 Instruction Steps, 35 Magnetic Stickers. Toddler Potty training(toilet training potty) is a huge milestone in any little one’s life, so a interactive potty training chart which get your kids involved in baby potty training is important to encourage them as soon as they’re ready. Unlike other potty training charts toddler ,our potty training chart stickers use durable animal magnets that can last longer and can be use in other toilet training chart.
We know toddler potty training can take time so we included 35 magnetic stickers.

Princess Potty Training Gift Set with Book, Potty Chart, Star Magnets, and Reward Crown for Toddler Girls. Comes in Castle Gift Box. POTTY PRINCESS TRAINING SET contains everything you need to successfully potty train your child. It is a creative, unique, and fun way to get any child engaged in the potty training process! The 3 piece set includes a fully illustrated rhyming storybook about a little girl who is learning how to use the potty. It includes a chart with magnet reward stars for your child to stay engaged and keep track of progress. The set also includes an adorable Potty Princess felt crown as a fabulous reward! I'M THE POTTY PRINCESS STORYBOOK is a delightful rhyming story written by Jennifer Driscoll and illustrated by Ana Santos about a little girl who wants to stop wearing diapers so that she can be more like a princess. 

LIL ADVENTS Potty Time Adventures Potty Training Game - 14 Wood Block Toys, Chart, Activity Board, Stickers and Reward Badge for Toilet Training - Busy Vehicles
FOR BUSY PARENTS & THEIR POTTY TRAINERS: Learning to use the potty can be challenging! This potty training game makes it fun for toddlers 18 months & up to ditch the diapers & put on training pants.
This toilet training advent game utilizes the design elements of an advent calendar and a potty training chart. Now your Lil One is instantly rewarded with stickers & hidden wood blocks to encourage successful Deposits.
Even though your Potty Trainer might be unsuccessful at times, they can still show great progress. Reward & motivate them with a themed sticker to place on their activity board.

Kidnovations Premium Potty Training Watch - Toilet Training Timer - Rechargeable Water Resistant Digital Watch Reminder to Go Potty Vibrates and Plays Music Keeps Your Child Entertained at Potty Time
Say Goodbye to Diapers! Potty Training little ones is a challenging time for both parents and children alike. However, it doesn’t have to be so hard or stressful. Make toilet training a fun and easier experience for yourself and your child with the Kidnovations Premium Potty Training Watch. After struggling with their own toilet-training experience with their son, the husband-and-wife team of Kidnovations found a company to create this watch after careful vetting. Serving as a reminder to be aware of “the need to go,” this Potty Training Watch gave their son – and will give your child – the self-confidence needed to be successful.

Potty Training Underwear, Clothing & Underpants 

Lucky & Me Jamie Girls Performance Briefs (7-pack)
Quick-drying and antimicrobial, Jamie Briefs are the undies of choice for little athletes and future champions. Our super soft cotton spandex fabric is crafted with cutting-edge performance technology and designed to stay cool, dry, and comfy throughout the day. 

The gentle elastic waistband won’t dig in or roll down, and the fabric-encased leg openings add extra comfort. Whether your little one studies ballet or dreams of joining the national women’s soccer team, she’ll love wearing these panties.
No scratchy or itchy tags

Image result for SmartKnitKIDS boys Boy Cut Style Seamless Sensitivity Undies 3 Pack
SmartKnitKIDS Seamless UNDIES are perfect for kids with sensory processing disorder, or for those who just can't stand undies with seams.
The patent-pending form-fitting design of SmartKnitKIDS Seamless UNDIES ensures that they fit like a second skin - they won't wrinkle or bunch. The top and leg openings of SmartKnitKIDS Seamless UNDIES are also elastic band-free, which helps prevent the annoying and sometimes painful indentations on the legs and waist.
SmartKnitKIDS Boys' Seamless Boxer Briefs Seamless UNDIES Boys' Seamless Boxer Briefs Feature:
Completely free of seams - No seams to bug ya!

SmartKnitKIDS Seamless UNDIES are perfect for kids with sensory processing disorder, or for those who just can't stand undies with seams.
The patent-pending form-fitting design of SmartKnitKIDS Seamless UNDIES ensures that they fit like a second skin - they won't wrinkle or bunch. The top and leg openings of SmartKnitKIDS Seamless UNDIES are also elastic band-free, which helps prevent the annoying and sometimes painful indentations on the legs and waist.
SmartKnitKIDS Girls' Seamless Low Rise Boy Cut Seamless UNDIES Feature:
Completely free of seams - No seams to bug ya!
Soft material "Hugs" little bottoms for a form-fitting design
Comfortable, non-binding waist & legs - no elastic

Image result for SmartKnitKIDS Girls' Boy Cut Style Seamless Sensitivity Undies 3 Pack

Lucky & Me Jameson Boys Performance Boxer Briefs (5-Pack)
For budding athletes and boys on the move, Jameson Boxer Briefs are a winning underwear choice. Crafted with cutting-edge performance technology, our breathable ultra soft stretch cotton spandex wicks away moisture, and the antimicrobial coating keeps odors at bay. 

The soft striped elastic waistband won't roll down or dig in, and the legs will stay put--no riding up ever! Jameson's faux fly provides smooth comfort. Whether your little one is doing sprints at soccer practice or learning taekwondo, he'll feel fresh and comfy all day long in these undies.

Potty Training Books For Children

Daniel's Potty Time (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) A new generation of children love Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, inspired by the classic series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood!
Daniel Tiger goes to the potty in this relatable 8x8 storybook based on an episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. This book comes with a double-sided poster that little ones can hang up in the bathroom!
Do you have to go potty? Maybe yes? Maybe no? Why don’t you sit and try to go?
Daniel is so excited to go to the market that he insists he doesn’t need to go potty. But then he learns that it’s important to try to go before leaving the house! This storybook about going to the potty includes a double-sided poster with an “I Spy” game that little tigers can play while they’re sitting on the toilet.

Daniel's Potty Time: Cassel Schwartz, Alexandra, Fruchter, Jason:  9781534451759: Books -

Let's Go to the Potty!: A Potty Training Book for Toddlers: Jandu, Allison:  9781646119936: Books -
Let's Go to the Potty!: A Potty Training Book for Toddlers
An illustrated story to help kids ages 1 to 3 use the potty with confidence
Provide your toddler the gentle support and encouragement they need during potty training. Let’s Go to the Potty is an engaging, story-driven guide for toddlers who are ready to break free of the diaper. Playful pictures give toddlers visual clues as to what their progress will look like, and a short, rhyming potty song teaches toddlers to communicate their needs.
Let’s Go to the Potty includes:
Age-appropriate content―Get toddlers interested in potty training with easy-to-understand, child-friendly language and images.

Potty Superhero: Get Ready for Big Boy Pants!
Every little superhero needs to use the potty - he just needs to know where to go! Help your own little superhero explore the idea of using a potty as he makes the potty training journey toward wearing big boy pants. Potty Superhero is an adorable book illustrated by Mabel Forsyth to show your little superhero how to use the potty.
Encourages and motivates toddlers beginning to potty train and reach the finish line to be diaper free!
Make potty training fun by encouraging interest in toilet training
Fun illustrations and cute superhero story offer a positive approach for parents and caregivers
Thick board pages for little hands to carry around wherever your superhero goes
Ages 18 months+

Potty Superhero: Get Ready for Big Boy Pants!: Parragon Books, Mabel  Forsyth, Mabel Forsyth: 9781680524574: Books

Big Boys Use the Potty!: DK: 9780756614515: Books -
Big Boys Use the Potty! Take the worry out of potty training with this fun and informative guide that encourages your child to use the potty like a big boy. Now your child can be potty perfect with this step-by-step guide to using the potty with pride! With lots of helpful, friendly advice and special reward stickers to encourage success, soon your toddler will be able to say, "Bye-bye, diapers!"    
With memorable rhyming text, this board book is fully illustrated and complete with a pull out chart and star stickers. The emphasis is on motivating children to use the potty correctly by giving them praise and rewarding their success as they take their first steps towards becoming diaper-free. 

PAW Patrol Chase, Skye, Marshall, and More! - Potty Time - Potty Training Sound Book. The kids of Adventure Bay are ruff-ruff ready to use the potty, just like you! The PAW Patrol pups are here to lend a paw in this pup-tacular story that teaches healthy bathroom basics. This book is special because: Hands on interaction engages young readers and encourages your child to want to use the potty
Multisensory reading experiences stimulate the imaginations of young readers
Matching pictures to play-a-sound buttons builds concentration
Includes plenty of PAW Patrol pups: Chase, Skye, Marshall, Tracker, Rubble, Everest, and Zuma

PAW Patrol Chase, Skye, Marshall, and More! - Potty Time - Potty Training  Sound Book - PI Kids: Editors of Phoenix International Publications,  Editors of Phoenix International Publications, Editors of Phoenix  International

Big Girl Panties: Manushkin, Fran, Petrone, Valeria: 9780307931528: Books -
Big Girl Panties
Big Girl Panties! features a light, positive approach to motivate toddlers to become toilet trained. What could be more rewarding for a little girl than wearing big girl panties, just like mommy? Adult caregivers and toddlers alike will love the snappy, rhyming text and colorful, hip illustrations. Valeria Petrone's stylized artwork ensures that this commercial yet heartwarming book will have a special place on little girls' favorite bookshelves. Soon they'll all be saying, "Bye, bye diapers!"

Dino Potty-Engaging Illustrations and Fun, Step-by-Step Rhyming Instructions get Little Ones Excited to Use the Potty on their Own! 
Read along as this friendly dinosaur learns how to use the potty and put on his brand-new underwear. With easy rhymes and vibrant illustrations, Dino Potty is a wonderful resource to teach children all of the potty training steps from flushing the toilet to washing hands.

Dino Potty: Learn to Potty with Dino: Conway, Sara, Garton, Michael:  9781527001619: Books -

Potty Liners & Magical Potty Stickers 

Potty Training Seat Magic Sticker | Dinosaur toddler Potty Training Toilet Color Changing Sticker
Potty training a toddler is a big deal, not only does it mark the beginning of a new stage for your child, as he or she transitions into big boy or big girl underpants, but it means you get to save dollars, because, let's face it! Diapers can be expensive.
Make using the potty a magical experience every time for your little one as their Pee Magically reveals a jungle Dinosaur in the potty training toilet, motivating kids to use the potty again and again.

TidyTots Disposable Potty Chair Liners - Value Pack - Universal Potty Chair Fit (fits most potty chairs)
TidyTots take the mess out of your child's potty training experience.
No more trying to clean and sanitize the potty chair for the next use. TidyTots will put an end to wiping out what is left behind and cleaning after your child's potty training session.
TidyTots are designed to fit most any potty chair. Simply cover the removable bowl of your potty chair with a TidyTots liner, smooth it into place, When finished, dump loose contents into the toilet, then remove the liner from the potty chair bowl, pull the drawtape closure and tie it closed. Simply discard the liner just as you would dispose of a diaper.

Potty Training Seat Magic Sticker | Unicorn toddler Potty Training Toilet Color Changing Sticker
Magical Potty Training Stickers
Feel the Magic in Potty Training
Potty training a toddler is a big deal, not only does it mark the beginning of a new stage for your child, as he or she transitions into big boy or big girl underpants, but it means you get to save dollars, because, let's face it! Diapers can be expensive.
Makes the Potty Training Fun
Make using the potty a magical experience every time for your little one as their Pee Magically reveals a Unicorn in the potty training toilet, motivating kids to use the potty again and again.

Potty Training Toys For Children 

Potty Training with Tot On The Pot (Dark Girl) - Complete Kit Includes Parent's Guide, Children's Book, Tot Doll, Toy Toilet & Activity Reward Cards | Pediatrician-Recommended | Play-Based Learning
#1 All-Inclusive Potty Training system for busy parents. We provide step-by-step instructions on how to potty train in 3 days, tips & tricks and an entire system to get your toddler excited about dumping the diaper.
PEDIATRICIAN-RECOMMENDED because Pediatricians have realized that Tot on the Pot makes potty training easier on both parents and kids. Potty training can be a challenge and pediatricians agree that Tot on the Pot simplifies the entire process.
COGNITIVE BENEFITS are a part of every Activity Reward!

The ultimate parents Helper The wet and drink doll by the New York Doll Collection introduces your child to potty training. What child can resist being Toilet Trained if it means they get to Play with their Favorite Wet and Drink Baby Doll? Fill the doll bottle with water, gently empty in the dolls mouth and watch her pee in the Potty. This Beautiful vinly Baby Doll with posable arms and legs has an adorable face. at 12 inches, The New York Doll Collection Potty Doll is perfect for toddler and children to hug, nurture and care for. Included in this Doll Accessory Set it a Doll Training Potty, Doll Fillable Water Bottle, Doll Pacifier, Doll Training Diapers, and Doll Diaper Bag with adjustable strap. This Potty set makes a perfect reward for children starting to use the Potty. 

Potty time! Daniel Tiger is learning how to use the potty. Going potty with Daniel Tiger is so much fun! Push the handle to hear real flushing sounds and sing the Potty Song. Flush, wash and be on your way! Daniel Tiger's sweater and shoes are removable for fun dress-up play! The potty comes with a toilet paper roll that really spins! Daniel Tiger has poseable arms and legs. Batteries included. Designed for ages 3+.

Tot on the Pot is an all-inclusive, play-based potty training system that provides parents and kids with everything they need to dump the diaper in a fun, engaging and healthy way.
We're here to help parents tackle one of the most challenging developmental milestones their toddler will face: Potty Training. Research has shown that the anxiety parents have towards potty training can delay and complicate the training process, and even negatively impact a child’s development. Research has also shown that play-based learning is one of the most effective teaching tools in early childhood.

Here are some more helpful Sensory Processing Disorder Resources

DISCLAIMER: I am not an Occupational Therapist. I am an adult who has Sensory Processing Disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists gives you. These are just ideas and information that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for suggestions and informational purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different needs. Please always consult with a professional.

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