Sensory Processing Disorder Books For Parents & Caregivers 


Parents ask me often where they can purchase parenting books for sensory processing disorder and which books they should buy. 

There are so many options for parents who are looking for books about sensory processing disorder. When I was first learning about sensory differences there were only a few books out at that time. 

In recent years, many parents of children with sensory processing disorder have turned to parenting books as a valuable resource to gain a better understanding of their child's sensory needs. 

For parents who may be struggling to make sense of their child's behavior or sensory challenges, these books can offer valuable insights and practical advice.
mother reading to her child with sensory processing disorder  Sensory Processing Disorder Books For Parents & Caregivers

One of the most significant benefits of reading parenting books about sensory processing disorder is the amount of knowledge they provide. Sensory processing disorder is not well known and many parents may not have heard of it until their child receives a diagnosis. 

Sensory processing disorder parenting books explain the possible causes of sensory differences and the ways in which it can affect a child's life. 

Raising a child with sensory processing disorder can be very lonely. Parents often feel isolated and may question their methods of parenting or wonder if they are doing something wrong. 

Parenting books on sensory challenges validate the experiences of parents and assure them that they are not alone in their sensory processing journey. It also reassures parents that their child's behavior is not because of their parenting but is a result of how their child's brain processes sensory information.

Parenting children who have sen
sory processing disorder will require a lot of patience, love and understanding. These sensory parenting books can provide parents with practical strategies to help their child with challenges that may be struggling with. Reading sensory parenting books can include personal stories and experiences from other parents, making it easier for parents to relate and feel supported. 

Parents who have children with sensory differences can benefit from reading parenting books about sensory processing disorder. These books provide them with valuable knowledge, validation, and practical tips to support their child's sensory needs.  
Here are some suggestions for you! 

Questions From Those Who Know  As a mother of a child with sensory processing disorder, I know you can have many unanswered questions about your child's or loved one's diagnosis. That is where the idea of "Questions From Those Who Know" came from. I teamed up with Jeanette Baker, founder of the popular Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support Group, and reviewed the most asked questions. Here you will see the result of what others have to say helped their children with SPD. Research shows early intervention is key; yet, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin to help your child. We hope that this book will bring you ideas that have worked for others, as well as comfort that you are not alone! We also hope it helps spread knowledge of what SPD is and what it is like to live with.

Interoception: How I Feel: Sensing My World from the Inside Out
Many people struggle with sensory processing difficulties. Regulating emotions, knowing when to eat, drink, go to the toilet, and feeling your breathing and heart rate all depend on our internal awareness. Interoception is critical to feel and understand what is going on inside of your body. However, when someone has difficulty processing interoception, knowledge of emotions and regulation of basic body functions can be interrupted causing great frustration.

The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder
Does your child exhibit... Over-responsivity--or under-responsivity--to touch or movement? A child with SPD may be a "sensory avoider," withdrawing from touch, refusing to wear certain clothing, avoiding active games--or he may be a "sensory disregarder," needing a jump start to get moving.
Over-responsivity--or under-responsivity--to sounds, sights taste, or smell? She may cover her ears or eyes, be a picky eater, or seem oblivious to sensory cues.
The Out-of-Sync Child offers comprehensive, clear information for parents and professionals--and a drug-free treatment approach for children.

Improving Sensory Processing in Traumatized Children 
Does your child struggle to know how their body is feeling? Do they find it hard to balance or feel uneasy when their feet leave the ground?
Early trauma and neglect can have a profound effect upon a child's development. Sensory integration theory offers a way of understanding how the brain processes and stores movement experience, and how these experiences manifest at a physical and emotional level. This book explains how early movement experiences affect brain development and gives examples of how trauma can prevent basic sensory processing pathways from being correctly established. It shows how you can identify gaps in normal sensory development and offers ideas for how you can use physical activities to help build up the underdeveloped systems.

In Sensory Processing Explained, find all you need regarding sensory processing in one easy-to-navigate handbook. You’ll gain the tools you need to help your child or student navigate their senses. You will also find strategies and activities that will benefit all children. This book is three books in one so that you will get exactly the sensory processing information that’s right for you.The first handbook digs into what sensory processing is, looking at the differences between meltdowns and tantrums, calming strategies and techniques for a sensory meltdown, and giving an overview of the eight sensory systems. In the Parent Companion Guide, learn how you can advocate for your child, create a sensory friendly home, and find sensory tips for everyday life skills like getting dressed, sleep, and grooming. Gain confidence in such things as providing sensory tools and activities for your child and helping them understand their own sensory preferences.

Self Regulation and Mindfulness Activities for Sensory Processing Disorder: Creative Strategies to Help Children Focus and Remain Calm
Help kids with SPD focus, be happier, and stay calm―60 activities for ages 3 to 12

When children are out of sync with their senses, navigating everyday life can be challenging. Children with sensory processing disorder (SPD) can have a harder time interacting with their teachers, peers, and even parents. Self-Regulation and Mindfulness Activities for Sensory Processing Disorder is full of advice, information, and activities that can help you understand SPD and help your child improve their sensory processing skills so they can thrive in their world.

The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun, Revised Edition: Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder
Each activity in this inspiring and practical book is SAFE—Sensory-motor, Appropriate, Fun and Easy—to help develop and organize a child’s brain and body. Whether your child faces challenges with touch, balance, movement, body position, vision, hearing, smell, and taste, motor planning, or other sensory problems, this book presents lively and engaging ways to bring fun and play to everyday situations.

This revised edition includes new activities, along with updated information on which activities are most appropriate for children with coexisting conditions including Asperger’s and autism, and more.

No Longer A Secret, 2nd edition: Unique Common Sense Strategies for Children with Sensory and Regulation Challenges
Parents and teachers often struggle with the advice given by occupational therapists regarding support for children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). What makes this book unique is the exploration of secrets that professionals sometimes hold close.

This book helps us see the big picture: A child’s strengths, sensory differences, the family’s role, and ways to support children in any context. The authors illuminate the complexities of choosing appropriate strategies and offer a framework to make creating a sensory lifestyle manageable.

The Ultimate Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder: Easy, Everyday Solutions to Sensory Challenges
When sensory processing is impaired, lights can be too bright, sounds too loud, and clothes can actually be painful on the skin. It can be practically impossible for children to tolerate their day, let alone learn in a classroom.
In this book, with a foreward by best-selling special-needs author Carol Kranowitz, neuropsychologist Dr. Roya Ostovar helps parents to help their children. She provides clear explanations, up-to-date research, step-by-step strategies, and case examples that bring her proven methods to life.

Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
Sensory Processing Disorder is an increasingly common diagnosis, with a wide range of symptoms that can be difficult for parents and pediatricians to identify. In Sensational Kids, internationally renowned expert Dr. Miller shares her more than forty years of experience and research findings on SPD. Now in its fourteenth printing, with more than 50,000 copies sold in all formats, it is an authoritative and practical guide to understanding and treating this little-understood condition.

The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years
The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up will be the new bible for the vast audience of parents whose children, already diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder, are entering the adolescent, tween, and teen years, as well as those who do not yet have a diagnosis and are struggling to meet the challenges of daily life. This book picks up where The Out-of-Sync Child left off, offering practical advice on living with SPD, covering everyday challenges as well as the social and emotional issues that many young people with SPD face.

Sensational Journeys: 48 Personal Stories of Sensory Processing Disorder
Walk in the shoes of these 48 sensational families and discover what you never knew about Sensory Processing Disorder.

Written by the mom of a young man with SPD, this much needed book tells the stories of 48 families as they go through the trials and triumphs of sensory issues. It will cover all different aspects and what families should expect as they enter, and what hope lies ahead.

The Sensory Processing Disorder Answer Book: Practical Answers to the Top 250 Questions Parents Ask
Is there medication for sensory processing disorder? How can occupational therapy help? What advice can I give my child's teacher? Can you "outgrow" sensory processing disorder? How can we make social situations less of an ordeal? What are some therapeutic activities I can do with my child?

It is estimated that more than 10 percent of children deal with some form of sensory processing disorder (SPD), a neurological disorder characterized by the misinterpretation of everyday sensory information, such as touch, sound, and movement. For many children, SPD can lead to academic struggles, behavioral problems, difficulties with coordination, and other issues.

Raising Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders: A Week-by-Week Guide to Solving Everyday Sensory Issues
Whether it's having to remove tags from clothing or using special dimmed lighting when they study, kids with sensory disorders or special sensory needs often need adaptations in their everyday lives in order to find success in school and beyond. Taking a look at the most common sensory issues kids face, Raising Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders offers a compilation of unique, proven strategies parents can implement to help their children move beyond their sensory needs and increase their performance on tasks like homework, field trips, transitions between activities, bedtime, holidays, and interactions with friends. 

HOMESCHOOLING YOUR CHILD WITH SENSORY NEEDS: A practical guide to helping your child learn with sensory processing disorder

If you homeschool a child with sensory needs, you already know how much the sensory system can create chaos when it comes to learning.This practical guide provides information and practical suggestions for parents homeschooling children with sensory needs. It also takes the user through a step by step process for creating more sensory focused learning throughout a homeschool day.

The Sensory-Sensitive Child: Practical Solutions for Out-of-Bounds Behavior
In a book likely to transform how parents manage many of their child's daily struggles, Drs. Smith and Gouze explain the central and frequently unrecognized role that sensory processing problems play in a child's emotional and behavioral difficulties. Practicing child psychologists, and themselves parents of children with sensory integration problems, their message is innovative, practical, and, above all, full of hope.

A child with sensory processing problems overreacts or underreacts to sensory experiences most of us take in stride. A busy classroom, new clothes, food smells, sports activities, even hugs can send such a child spinning out of control. The result can be heartbreaking: battles over dressing, bathing, schoolwork, social functions, holidays, and countless other events. 

Play to Progress: Lead Your Child to Success Using the Power of Sensory Play
For children to develop to their fullest potential, their sensory system - which, in addition to the big five of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, includes movement and balance (vestibular), body awareness (proprioception), and internal perception (interoception) - needs to be stimulated from the time they are born.

 Their senses flourish when they explore their environment by touching new textures, including their food, running, jumping, climbing, and splashing outside - never through screens.

Sensory Parenting - The Elementary Years: School Years Are Easier when Your Child's Senses Are Happy!
All of us have had a sensory issue at one time or another. Maybe it's your neighbor's dog barking that bothers you or you can't stand the texture of cottage cheese. Does it make you crazy to have a hat on your head? Do you avoid the mall at peak shopping times so you don't have to be around crowds of people? These are common things that as adults we adapt to or avoid without giving them a second thought. What about your children's sensory sensitivities? What if you could make parenting easier and more fun by taking your child's senses into consideration? Imagine the possibilities because you can! A child's sensory system affects their ability to learn, play, socialize and function.

Sensory Processing Disorder: Parent's Guide To The Treatment Options You Need to Help Your Child with SPD
Sensory processing disorder is a disorder where the brain has trouble getting and giving an answer to information that comes in through the senses.
This is book explains Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in a simplified and precise way, and presents a drug-free approach that provides expect parents.
Over-responsivity--or under-responsivity--to touch or movement? A kid with SPD could be a "sensory avoider," withdrawing from touch, refusing to wear certain clothing, avoiding active games--or he might be considered a "sensory disregarder," needing a jump begin to obtain moving.

Why is My Kid Doing That?: A Sensory Approach to Understanding Your Child's Behavior  Every child does things that leave us scratching our heads and asking ourselves, “Why?” In Why is My Kid Doing That? you will learn that the answer is often found when we peel back the layers and take a closer look at the child’s sensory system. Author Cindy Utzinger OTR/L breaks down sensory processing into easy to understand language and explains how to use a sensory approach to help our children successfully gain motor skills and emotional and behavioral regulation. Every child will benefit from a strong sensory foundation. With an understanding of ’why’ and the knowledge of how to help, parents and educators are empowered to raise confident and successful children.

Against the Odds  No parent wants to believe their child isn’t perfect, but when, by the age of four, her son couldn’t speak, Dana Latter had no other choice.She burned through countless professionals, searching for answers and treatments but still, her son wasn’t being accepted by the other kids, he couldn’t connect with his own father, and even her extended family avoided his company. Doctors said her child was just a late bloomer. But Dana knew something was wrong. She took matters into her own hands and set out for answers. Ultimately, she learned her beautiful boy had a condition called Sensory Processing Disorder, which means that his brain is not communicating with his body’s senses and when her second son was born she discovered he suffered from the same condition

Sensational Kids, Sensational Families: Hope for Sensory Processing Differences
There is nothing easy about raising a child, especially a sensational one. If you're seeking a handbook on how to support a child with special needs -- especially a child impacted by sensory processing disorder (SPD) or other nervous-system dysfunctions -- look no further. This award-winning memoir is a one-stop-shop of insights, and a survival guide for parents and caregivers. Filled with tried-and-true prevention and treatment strategies for SPD, Sensational Kids, Sensational Families is a valuable resource for all special-needs families, including those who cope with or suspect SPD, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger syndrome and ADD/ADHD.

Making Sense: A Guide to Sensory Issues
Our senses! Thanks to them, our brains are constantly flooded with information about the world around us. What may surprise you is that we're not all wired the same way, and some of us are unable to understand exactly what we're sensing. People with sensory processing disorder (SPD), a newly identified neurological condition, as well as those with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are frequently misunderstood by others when they over- or under-react to sounds, sights, smells, tastes, touch, movement, balance, and feelings within their bodies.

Helping Your Child with Sensory Regulation: Skills to Manage the Emotional and Behavioral Components of Your Child’s Sensory Processing Challenges
A groundbreaking guide to managing the emotional and behavioral components of your child’s sensory processing challenges
Imagine having the flu, while lying in a bed of ants, listening to heavy metal at high volume, and trying to do calculus. Now consider living in that body all the time. It becomes easy to understand how kids with difficulties processing and controlling sensory information can become avoidant, anxious, impatient, irritable, or oppositional. 

Here are some more helpful Sensory Processing Disorder Resources

DISCLAIMER: I am not an Occupational Therapist. I am an adult who has Sensory Processing Disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists give you. These are just ideas and information that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for suggestions and informational purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different needs. Please always consult with a professional.

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